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Facebook is Giving Users More Control of Their Feed

Facebook is giving users more control of their feed! What does this mean for your brand?


At it's core, Facebook was created to give people a unique place where they can showcase their individuality. But, as we know, marketers ruin everything. *sheepish grin*

Way too many businesses are only thinking about themselves when it comes to content creation.

Businesses are putting out WAY too much selfish content that's in their own best interest.

"Buy our crap"

"Here's our newest listing"

"We're having a sale!"

Users don't use their social channels in order to learn about your business.

Facebook realizes that too many businesses are spamming their sales messages, so they're giving more control to their users to filter what they want in their feed.

Very soon, there will be two ways that users can moderate what they would like to see more, or less, in their feed.

When the option launches, there will be two ways they can utilize the function.


STEP 1: Click on the three dots in the upper right corner of a post.

STEP 2: Choose if you want more or less of the content in your feed.

SECOND OPTION: The option will show up natively in your feed. All you'll need to do is select which option you want.


It's already pretty difficult to break through the clutter on Facebook, so it's VERY important that you understand your target audience and what they need to see and hear in order to move forward in your funnel.

In order to get your followers to move from the awareness phase to the consideration phase, they need to get to know you and your brand. You need to ask questions and share items that will help them start to see your brand as being more "human". After all, they're not using social media just to learn about your newest item or promotion.

Use the social media platforms in context as to WHY people are on there.

For instance:

People are on TikTok and Facebook to escape reality, be entertained, mindlessly scroll, or to connect with family and friends.

They're on Instagram to create "the best photo or video 'for the gram'" (--- we sound hip, don't we?)

They're on LinkedIn to network, look for a job, find a job, or to build their brand.

THEY'RE NOT ON THOSE PLATFORMS TO LEARN ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS, so 80% of your content must match up as to WHY users are on those social networks.

Think of it this way --- when you get to know someone, what do you do? Ask questions. Carry on conversations. Show your humor. Share your knowledge.

If you can relate to your audience, their trust goes up.

When their trust goes up, they'll start to consider purchasing from your business.

Stay tuned as we will post a blog tomorrow on the types of content you should create in order to create an emotional connection to your brand.


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